Whoa, did it again, had a meeting in July, and forgot to take any photos! Well, I had a good time as usual, so let's see what we can do about blogging with no photos of the event.
Here's a sight to make stampers jealous - I went to a local op shop the other day, and found a box of stamps! These were my picks. Two original PSX stamps - sigh!
So, that's to illustrate one of the things we like at stamp club.
Here's a chocolate Lego minifig. That's one of the treats I brought along to stamp club. I made it in the mould I recently bought at Legoland California!
So, that's to illustrate that we like good snacks at stamp club.
Here's my travel journal I filled up on on a two week trip to the US. I was happily showing it off at stamp club.
So that's to illustrate two of the things we like doing at stamp club, putting stuff in journals, and talking about holidays.
And here's some stamps I saw in the US. Didn't bring them back though, they were a bit big and not for sale.
Oh, and apart from all that, Jenny coached me in using my new Spellbinders dies, and everyone made pretty things.
I'll probably get back to reporting the day more accurately next time, but this has been fun, hasn't it?
Here's Russell
8 years ago