Sunday, June 10, 2012

May Meeting - where were YOU?

We knew it would be a quiet meeting - the lovely Picture to Page event was running nearby, and plenty of SERS people were exhibiting, helping or visiting. So it was no surprise when then May SERS meeting looked a bit like this...

Tee hee - I was just demonstrating how to use photography to make a meeting room look desolate.

In real life it looked like this:

See, nice people helping each other to do creative things. That's what we're about.

Jenny made this...

And I made this - that's a classic Stampington stamp I just acquired second hand.

Next meeting, I won't be there! Gasp! So if you are there, do be a love and help get things set up and packed away.

See ya in July!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I *was* there ... even if I did have to leave early
